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Explode Your Service Business With Effective and Efficient Marketing

Stop throwing everything against the wall.

3 Reasons Everyone Should Set Marketing Goals

Focus on your goals. It will change your life.

Focus on your goals. It will change your life.
Focus on your goals. It will change your life. 

I am a big believer that setting goals can change your life.

I have turned around million-dollar projects (and seen initiatives fail). Every success came down to clarifying and setting precise goals.

Want to find your community? Make new friends? Build a successful business? It all starts with creating goals that force you to transform dreams into ACTION.

Trusted Marketing Advice

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3 reasons marketing goals drive success:

  • #1 Accountability: Want to hold your feet to the fire? Stop saying, "I want more email subscribers," ... and start saying, "I want 20 new email subscribers by March 30th. I'll promote my newsletter by doing X, Y, Z." Then hold yourself to it.
  • #2 Specificity: Goals need deadlines that are juuuuust a bit uncomfortable. Too far in the future ... you'll forget. Too aggressive ... you'll blow it off. If WHY it's a goal feels fuzzy, it's not specific enough.
  • #3 Supportive: Every marketing goal supports a bigger business goal. Define your business's success FIRST then figure out how to promote it. It makes marketing tasks meaningful.

Comment below and let me know your BIGGEST goals.

Woman handing a purchase to a customer
Turn your leads into happy customers.

March Membership Theme: Leads

This month's events are all about leads.

Many of my colleagues typically launch into funnel this, funnel that. ... 😴😴

Are funnels effective? Sometimes.

It all depends on how well you describe what you do.

Want to boost leads by up to 5%?

Show your Google Business Profile some love.

You don't need a physical address or even a website to get started.

Most businesses set it up and forget about it.

This FREE marketing training gives you simple strategies to improve lead generation using your Google Business Profile:

Overhaul Your Google Business Profile for Lead Generation
Overhaul Your Google Business Profile for Lead Generation: Learn simple strategies you can use to improve lead generation using your Google Business Profile.

Get the FREEE Google Business Profile for Lead Generation class.

Of course, if you want ALL.THE.THINGS. join the Strategic Marketing Membership and get in on coworking and coaching in addition to our events.

πŸ’Œ That's a wrap.


You enjoyed the newsletter, please share it.

You have a question or comment (or want to say hi!), hit reply.

See you again next week.

Have a great day,


P.S. Ready To Work Together? Here are 3 ways to receive support:

Marketing Consulting, confidence-boosting guidance with a patient teacher, action-oriented goal-setting, and accountability in a safe, confidential space.

Get a Marketing Blueprint to position your business for future growth.

Join my Marketing Membership because marketing alone stinks β€” set your goals, get support, and dedicated time to work.

New eCourse: 9 Steps to Marketing Success

Business is hard. Marketing doesn’t have to be.

Let's Unwind Together
unwind the chaos 9 steps to marketing success

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