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How To Choose The Best Project For Your Business

Do yourself and favor and choose the best project for your business with the same care you do when selecting your clients.

Choose The Best Project For Your Business
Choose The Best Project For Your Business Learn More

Sometimes being a freelance worker or entrepreneur is a lot like going to the buffet.

There are so many tasty options at your fingertips, and all of them look good. But, before you know it your plate is piled high, your belly is stuffed full, and you didn’t even enjoy any of it.

Sound familiar?

In the freelance and entrepreneurial world, it’s easy to say “YES!” to every project that shows up in your inbox…especially when those projects come with big, shiny dollar signs.

But, saying yes (even when there is money at stake) is not always the best idea.

To be successful you have to know which projects are worth your time and which might be a waste of time. Here are some pointers on how to know which projects should stay and which should go.

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Does your project align with the foundation of your business?

The projects you choose should not stray from the foundation of your business. If your business is built upon developing websites, content writing for the pages might not be your gig.

Does it serve your desired clientele?

Who do you want to work for? Or, even better, who do you want to work WITH? Knowing the answer to this question will make it easy to know who you should welcome with open arms and who you should turn away.

Does it get you closer to your end goal?

Everything…yes EVERYTHING you do should get you closer to achieving the biggest goals for your business. If you are offered a project that takes you off that track, think long and hard before you choose to accept it. Don’t let a dollar be your demise.

Having a method for accepting projects will make you a much happier, more satisfied business owner.

Try it out for yourself and let me know what you think!

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